Dawn Lindson
Welcome to my blog
I started working with Marysia as a volunteer in 2019 and WOW what a journey it has been and it is fantastic to see how much Art, Culture, Tourism has evolved since then. I initially contributed towards the Culture Crossing Events and written various blogs including the Ghost Bus event in June 2019. 2020 was a challenging year for many but that didn’t stop us here at ACT and I participated in the monthly podcasts.
Having a keen eye for detail and colour co-ordination, I have always been drawn to the Arts and anything that involves being Creative. My early creations started young with using scissors to chop up my parent's mail and arranging ornaments in my bedroom to look more pretty. I didn’t quite get the GCSE grade I wanted in Art but I still went to college to gain a BTEC National Diploma in Floristry. Over the years I have continued to dabble in various crafty things, I have a particular interest in glass fusing, it is such an amazing material to work with and produces the most unique items. Over lockdown, I have also participated in quite a diverse range of online Zoom classes, anything from learning how to use the sewing machine, to re-discovering my interest in Modern Calligraphy. Whilst I am not so good at Art, yet - I have a 16 year old daughter who is an upcoming Artist, so watch this space, there is still time for me to learn!
Another interest of mine is within Social Sciences, which I have also studied and gained a qualification in. I understand the importance of people from all backgrounds having access to creative opportunities so that everyone has an equal chance to express their creativity and help their wellbeing.
If anything good came out of lockdown, I am now a volunteer for Action for Happiness, helping to run their 10 Keys to Happier Living monthly meetings in the Nottingham area. I have been really excited about becoming involved with this organisation and those that have attended have found it really helpful to combat social isolation. I regularly post on the Facebook page HERE and each month I also
write a BLOG, which is often themed on topics relating to wellbeing and creativity.
Also having an interest in the beauty of the world, (isn’t is just interesting how each countries coastline is just so different?!) I have experienced the culture of various European countries to include Tenerife, Lanzarote, Gran Canara, Algarve, Corfu, Cyprus, Sicily and Majorca. I have also been to Thailand which was a very different cultural experience like no other. My favourite places to visit in the UK are Cornwall and the Isle of Wight. I really like the beautiful scenery there, it is also quite spiritual and has a really Artistic feel to these parts of the UK, not to mention it’s a bit sunnier to! If there is one place I could go in the world it would undoubtedly be Australia though.
Where am I going career wise, one may ask? I am delving into the new and ever-changing world of Social Media Marketing. I aspire to launch my own website in the not too distant future for both myself and my daughter, watch this space!! And remember…..
“You can’t use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have."
Maya Angelou
P.S. Enjoy the beautiful Art work by my talented daughter Sophia down below..