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Dawn Lindson blog - #ACTCC7 at Minor Oak

Dawn Lindson

ACT Intern Reporting for Cultures Crossing - ​27.3.19

The Cultures Crossing 7 evening on the 27th February held at the The Minor Oak in Sneinton Market brought energy to a modern work hub. The evening started with Iryna Muha, a talented musician from the Ukraine, who played a traditional hurdy gurdy instrument. I found it interesting to listen to something different that I had never heard before that is part of the Ukrainian culture.

Next up on stage was an artist called Oliver Lovely who did a live demonstration of the Major Oak tree from a pinned up photograph to side of his easel. It was insightful to see an artist’s perspective on how he creates his paintings. Being as this was a short 10 minute demonstration it was a challenge for him because he said it usually takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to compose and complete such an artwork but he used this time well to get across as many of his process techniques to the audience as possible. Hopefully I will get to see the finished piece, especially as I love his artwork. Following this Holly Cassidy and Wendy Honeyman-Smith talked about the history of Sneinton and showed some old photographs of how the streets and market used to look. I didn't know about the popular Vegan market that is currently held and this is something I will look out for. There was a break for networking and to eat a delicious selection of complementary mediterranean style of snacks and fruit juices (mocktails) for all the guests to enjoy. After this break Mark Curwood, as Frank Wilcott, brought laughter to the audience with his interactive style of entertainment which Marysia herself took part in. Finally Alvin and Milda did some Kizomba / Semba dancing which most of the guests also took part in, it was great to see smiles on peoples faces as they really got into the rhythm. This was an excellent way to bring the evening to a close. All in all it was a very lively evening that really engaged with the audience and the venue for it was just perfect.




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