This last week was ACTive. I joined in with Video LIVE streaming, podcast and traditional scheduled broadcasting.
First one up was on Tuesday 28th April with ACT’s What’sOnDigital LIVE streaming to our Facebook Page produced by Caron Lyon of @pcmcreative It’s now released as a podcast which you can listen to from a link on our Home page.
This is a screenshot of us in the virtual green room just after the stream has ended.

We had a great line up with guests Justin Donne, Director of Inspiration of Donne & Associates @JustinDonne, and Robin Hood, our storyteller Adam Greenwood @VisitRobinHood, Owner and Manager of the Robin Hood Experience Nottingham. We were supported by our regular ACT team Inna Schutts, Dawn Lindson and new recruit David Hunter. Local artist and graphic illustrator Marcus Gilmore, our ‘Crafting in a Crisis’ artist reporter shared his personal perspective on the lockdown. Do check out his Blog. It was a fun, entertaining, informative and inspiring experience for all involved and our audience seemed to enjoy it too making comments during the live show. We had so much to talk about we had to drop a segment. With that content, we are preparing a PDF ‘ebook’ drawn from the responses from 24 creatives who responded to my Facebook shout out on April 19th asking “ they are surviving during the lockdown, what they do & create, and what is making them the happiest ATM (at the moment)".
Second up, was an excellent webinar “Can You Say What Your Strategy is NOW?” on the 30th, by coach Steve Hobbs, hosted by D2N2 Growth Hub for SMEs in Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire. Please sign up for their newsletter, if you wish, and get all the latest news and details of their upcoming webinars and coaching. They’ve been good supporters to me for ACT over the last three years.
Third up, was the 4th May evening broadcast by BBC Radio Nottingham, of my “Letter from Beeston” recording. The show’s presenter was Arun Verma. It’s about why I love living in Beeston and when Mahatma Gandhi visited on October 17, 1931. Here’s the link below so you can listen to my story (available for 29 days). Just move the counter to 1:46:20 and listen until 1:50 because Arun relays his comments about it. He was hooked by my ‘letter’. I wonder if you will too?
Arun relayed to me next morning, “Marysia, I encourage you to send in more pieces like ‘Letter from Beeston’ if you have them. It got a great reaction and it really was a lovely listen.” Thank you kindly, Arun, I will indeed! After you’ve listened, please read my blog of 17.10.18 which is a follow-up to the story My Letter from Beeston was submitted to BBC Local Radio Upload community project so if you have any interesting stories or performances you’d like to submit, here’s the link with more information
Fourth up, was 5th May ZOOM Lunchtime LoCQdown with Ben Welch telling us all about Nottstopping Festival - the coolest multi-arts online event 23-24 May! Nottstopping Festival: A Bank Holiday Extravaganza Celebrating and Connecting Nottinghamshire whilst fundraising to provide gifts, treats and experiences for Frontline Workers.

This sounds really exciting with some wonderful local Notts projects all for a good cause to treat our Frontline Workers. One of them I'd really like to promote is their ‘Right Up My Street’ stories, like a kind of ‘Chinese whispers’, neighbour to neighbour style. Lots more information on this festival (and its distribution) is due out 6th May by Ben Welch (of Hockley Hustle & Circle of Light project) and his Community Connect team.
Well, I’m now back to my Art Lockdown creating my next linocut print collection. In the meantime, I hope you listen to or watch any of the above LIVE video streaming, podcast and broadcast and please take note of the links provided for extra information. Many thanks for reading this blog and look forward to receiving your Likes and Comments below. PS. Please make a note of ACT’s next What’sOnDigital podcast & Facebook LIVE streaming on Tuesday 26th May 2020. Marysia Zipser Facebook art culture tourism - international Find me on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn