FROM FACEBOOK Who remembers Beestonian, Kanchana Minson who worked at Voluntary Action Broxtowe Beeston? She now works at University of Nottingham as Project Officer at the School of Education, Jubilee Campus. Well, we met up at Rudyards to celebrate Art Culture Tourism's first performance networking evening from 4th December 2013 at Anglo Scotian Mills featuring LACE!
It was she who found and introduced the wonderful Shalen Fu to me in 2013, a Journalism/Comms UoN/Ningbo student who designed my ACT logo, set up my first website and helped organise my performance networking evenings (5 month period). Shalen went on to great things - returned to China to finish her degree, then went to LSE London to take her Masters (achieving Distinction), then returned to Beeston because she wanted to work here and did, working for Univ of Nottingham as Marketing/Events Assistant for 2 years, then back to London and onwards to China where she has gained an extended visa to now start on her PhD at Kings' College London KCL on China's cultural heritage. Kanchana and I discussed ACT recruiting volunteers and university PhD students for business development and financial sustainability. She is a funding expert after oh so many years experience. She so misses the Beeston Community work at VAB but she has learnt so much about the University 'Community' and different funding techniques and training resources.